The Kir Royale is a take on the Kir, a popular French drink combining dry white Burgundian wine with crème de cassis that dates back to the 19th century and was further popularized after World War II. The Jabuticaba Kir is made with jabuticaba liqueur and Santa Catarina sparkling wine .
Prep Time
36 minutes
Total Time
30 minutes
2 portions
1 kg the jabuticaba,
300 ml de cachaça,
200g de sugar cane,
240 ml sparkling white wine from Santa Catarina,
Lemon twist
For the jabuticaba liqueur: Place the lightly squeezed jabuticabas in a container, add the cachaça and leave to macerate in the refrigerator for 3 days. Place the fruits with the cachaça on the palette along with the sugar. Cook over low heat until half of the liquid evaporates. Strain, reserve the liquid and cool.
Preparation of Kir de Jabuticaba: In a glass of sparkling wine add 3 dessert spoons of jaboticaba liqueur and top up the volume with white sparkling wine, serve garnished with Galician lemon peel.
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