Type of activity
Best Practice, Policies
Communication, Creative Economy, Economic Development, Policies, Tourism
Start Date
End Date
Connection to other Creative Fields
Craft & Folk Arts, Design, Film, Literature, Media Arts, Music
End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all, Reduce inequality within and among countries, Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies, Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Mérida Notable Pubs & Bars is a public policy aiming to restore the social and cultural role in society of these establishments. Each of them preserves, in their own particular way, the culture, history and traditions of our city. They have tangible and intangible values of high significance for our society.
The initiative will identify the notable establishments through a curated and participative procedure that will be open to the community. It will also provide a formal communication strategy to advertise a wide variety of events and cultural activities in each location.
A notable pub or bar is considered to be one related to significant cultural events or activities; the one whose antiquity, architectural design or local relevance give it its own value; or the one whose consistent innovative practices of the SDG give outstanding added value for residents and visitors alike.
Expected outcomes: In a first stage the city of Mérida expects the participation of hundreds of residents for the identification of the most notable bars and pubs. The city expects between 20 and 30 establishments to be part of the label.
Target Audience: Residents, NGO's, Private sector, Public sector, Visitors.
Partners: Government, Private sector.
A specific date has yet to be established for this year.
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